



The stories living in our hearts are waiting to be told.



The stories that live in our hearts and in our heritages are treasures that we have the ability to pass on to future generations.  And what joy it is to see the “edge-of-the-seat” enthusiasm and “gasping of wonder” at the best moment of a story. 


Since time began storytelling has not been affected by modern technology – nothing can replace tales and truths being passed on by vocal interpretations.


After being told, time and time again, that I should write down my life adventures and put to use my overactive imagination, I decided that maybe it’s time to do just that. 


For the past year I have worked on developing “RockinGranma” as a way to bring joy and laughter, hope and happiness to life as I tell stories to amuse and entertain. 


I hope you enjoy "RockinGranma" and I would love to share stories with you.





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